When a customer click the button 'proceed to checkout' over four times, it got logged out.
I asked this symptom to the Enterprise Support team but no reply has been received
So our developer edited data like below and this symptom doesn't occur again. However, I am a bit worried about some side effects by applying this.
The edited data is below
public function save(OrderItemInterface $entity){ if ($entity->getProductOption()) { $request = $this->getBuyRequest($entity); $entity->setProductOptions(['info_buyRequest' => $request->toArray()]); }else{ $optionData = $entity->getData('product_options'); $optionData = is_string($optionData) ? unserialize(stripslashes($optionData)) : $optionData; $entity->setProductOptions($optionData); } $this->metadata->getMapper()->save($entity); $this->registry[$entity->getEntityId()] = $entity; return $this->registry[$entity->getEntityId()];}
I would like to share and hear opinions. Thank you!