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Breadcumbs are not coming Properly

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Breadcumbs are not coming Properly

In My website breadcumbs are not coming properly If i Open Caretogry -> Subcategory -> Vertical it showing Properly


If i Open any Product In that Vertical it is showing like Home -> Productname Directly


My Requirement if i open any prodcust it has to show complete path in Breadcumbs


Re: Breadcumbs are not coming Properly

Hello @sekhar_n 

checkout this post here to get an idea how breadcrumbs works and the solution of it.

Was my answer helpful? You can accept it as a solution.
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Re: Breadcumbs are not coming Properly

Check `Magento_Catalog` module helper 'data.php' file >  'getBreadcrumbPath' function.
and print what it returns. it should return full breadcrumbs with all related categories. If not please check if you have overridden the function. If it has correct data then please remove cache including FPC and clear browser cache also and then test again!

Breadcrumbs will print all data which returns by this function only!

If it helps Please click "Kudos" and "accept solution".