i have just installed magento communiy edition version 2 but i have problem with css or js
it loads only first time good but after that it looses all css and images.
i have tried everyting that was proposed here in the forum with no luck!!
it is really so strange that i cannot isntall (done it on 3 different servers) this script!
i have tried to isntall version 1.9.3 and it was succesfull without any problems!
can you pelase help me because i really want to use magento to 4-5 customers with ecommerse websites
you can see the problem here
thank you
How to fix the problem of loading css and javascript files: https://mage2.pro/t/259
it is really little difficult to understand that!
why is it happening??
should i try to do something lese during instalation?!
i uploaded the zip file and extract it on the server
should i extract the fiels in my computer so they keep the permissions?
thank you
You should connect to your server through SSH protocol and set the proper permissions using chmod (and, possibly, chown and chgrp Unix commands):
thank you
i don this some time ago and waiting for an answer
is it possoible that not to happen every time?!!
how can i install magento without theese issues everytime??
i aksed before if it is better to unzip before uploading to keep perimissions??
or it has to be done everytime i install a magento website?!!!
i tried to execute thos commands from ssh but without luck!
i get forbiden 403 now!
i don t know what to do!
i also have cpanel
any use with that?!
my server administrator told me to be carefull with the permissions because i may destroy the server
i have a vps machine
with cpanel
and i need real help as somone wnats to isntall magento to a server without much knolwdge!!
all scripts are installing so smoothy without an issues
why magento has alla that problems?!
any solution please?
i really need some help on that one please
i m about to buy some licenses in other carts
seems like magento is difficult to install!
no support at all as i can see
not even to people who want to intergrate to magento!
and i cannot even install!!
i have installed 300 e commerce websites
cs-cart, prestashop, woocommerce etc and ONLY magento cannot even try version 2!
too bad!