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Can I attach pdf file to emails in Magento 2?

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Can I attach pdf file to emails in Magento 2?

Hello All,

I want to use external PHP file into my magento extension.


I have to create custom PDF file using this PDF generate 


how Can I add those file into my extension.

Please give me proper way to use those function and create easy PDF.


Re: Can I attach pdf file to emails in Magento 2?

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Re: Can I attach pdf file to emails in Magento 2?

Hi @hiteshaugust,


Here custom module code with a file attachment in an email
Controller sends email action with attachment.




namespace Milople\EmailAttachment\Controller\Index;
use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context; 
use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action;
use Magento\Framework\Controller\ResultFactory;

class Save extends Action
    protected $_resultPageFactory;
    protected $_modelDataFactory;
    public function __construct(
        Context $context,       
        \Magento\Framework\View\Result\PageFactory $resultPageFactory,
        \Magento\MediaStorage\Model\File\UploaderFactory $uploader,
        \Magento\Framework\Filesystem $filesystem,
        \Magento\Framework\App\Config\ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig,
        \Milople\EmailAttachment\Model\Mail\Template\TransportBuilder $transportBuilder,
        \Magento\Framework\Translate\Inline\StateInterface $inlineTranslation
        $this->_resultPageFactory = $resultPageFactory;
        $this->uploader = $uploader;
        $this->filesystem = $filesystem;
        $this->_scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
        $this->_transportBuilder = $transportBuilder;
        $this->inlineTranslation = $inlineTranslation;
    public function execute()

        $request = $this->getRequest()->getParams();    

        if(isset($_FILES['myfile']) && isset($_FILES['myfile']['name']) && strlen($_FILES['myfile']['name'])){
            $base_media_path = 'Milople/EmailAttachment;
            $uploader = $this->uploader->create(
                ['fileId' => 'myfile']
            $mediaDirectory = $this->filesystem->getDirectoryRead(\Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList::MEDIA);
            $result = $uploader->save(
            $data['myfile'] = $base_media_path.$result['file'];
            $filePath = $result['path'].$result['file'];
            $fileName = $result['name'];

         $templateVars = [            
            'name'      => $request['your_name'],            
            'message'   => $request['your_message'],
            'email'     => $request['email_address'],
            'telephone' => $request['your_telephone']

        $fromEmail= $this->getRequest()->getPostValue('email_address');
        $fromName = $this->getRequest()->getPostValue('your_name');

        $from = ['email' => $fromEmail, 'name' => $fromName];

        $to =  $this->_scopeConfig->getValue(

         $templateOptions = [
          'area' => \Magento\Framework\App\Area::AREA_FRONTEND,
          'store' => 1

            $transport = $this->_transportBuilder->setTemplateIdentifier('careers_email_template')
                ->addAttachment(file_get_contents($filePath),$fileName ,'application/pdf')
            $transport = $this->_transportBuilder->setTemplateIdentifier('careers_email_template')

        $this->messageManager->addSuccess(__('Form successfully submitted'));

        $redirect = $this->resultFactory->create(ResultFactory::TYPE_REDIRECT);
        return $redirect;

    }catch (\Exception $e) {


Then Create a custom transport builder for send an attachment Milople/EmailAttachment /Model/Mail/Template/TransportBuilder.php


namespace Milople\EmailAttachment\Model\Mail\Template;
use Magento\Framework\App\TemplateTypesInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException;
use Magento\Framework\Exception\MailException;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\EmailMessageInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\EmailMessageInterfaceFactory;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\AddressConverter;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\MessageInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\MessageInterfaceFactory;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\MimeInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\MimeMessageInterfaceFactory;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\MimePartInterfaceFactory;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\Template\FactoryInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\Template\SenderResolverInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\TemplateInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\TransportInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Mail\TransportInterfaceFactory;
use Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Phrase;
use Zend\Mime\Mime;
use Zend\Mime\PartFactory;

 * TransportBuilder
 * @api
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects)
 * @since 100.0.2
class TransportBuilder extends \Magento\Framework\Mail\Template\TransportBuilder
     * Template Identifier
     * @var string
    protected $templateIdentifier;

     * Template Model
     * @var string
    protected $templateModel;

     * Template Variables
     * @var array
    protected $templateVars;

     * Template Options
     * @var array
    protected $templateOptions;

     * Mail Transport
     * @var TransportInterface
    protected $transport;

     * Template Factory
     * @var FactoryInterface
    protected $templateFactory;

     * Object Manager
     * @var ObjectManagerInterface
    protected $objectManager;

     * Message
     * @var EmailMessageInterface
    protected $message;

     * Sender resolver
     * @var SenderResolverInterface
    protected $_senderResolver;

     * @var TransportInterfaceFactory
    protected $mailTransportFactory;

     * Param that used for storing all message data until it will be used
     * @var array
    private $messageData = [];

     * @var EmailMessageInterfaceFactory
    private $emailMessageInterfaceFactory;

     * @var MimeMessageInterfaceFactory
    private $mimeMessageInterfaceFactory;

     * @var MimePartInterfaceFactory
    private $mimePartInterfaceFactory;

     * @var AddressConverter|null
    private $addressConverter;

    protected $attachments = [];

    protected $partFactory;

     * TransportBuilder constructor
     * @param FactoryInterface $templateFactory
     * @param MessageInterface $message
     * @param SenderResolverInterface $senderResolver
     * @param ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager
     * @param TransportInterfaceFactory $mailTransportFactory
     * @param MessageInterfaceFactory|null $messageFactory
     * @param EmailMessageInterfaceFactory|null $emailMessageInterfaceFactory
     * @param MimeMessageInterfaceFactory|null $mimeMessageInterfaceFactory
     * @param MimePartInterfaceFactory|null $mimePartInterfaceFactory
     * @param addressConverter|null $addressConverter
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter)
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveParameterList)
    public function __construct(
        FactoryInterface $templateFactory,
        MessageInterface $message,
        SenderResolverInterface $senderResolver,
        ObjectManagerInterface $objectManager,
        TransportInterfaceFactory $mailTransportFactory,
        MessageInterfaceFactory $messageFactory = null,
        EmailMessageInterfaceFactory $emailMessageInterfaceFactory = null,
        MimeMessageInterfaceFactory $mimeMessageInterfaceFactory = null,
        MimePartInterfaceFactory $mimePartInterfaceFactory = null,
        AddressConverter $addressConverter = null
    ) {
        $this->templateFactory = $templateFactory;
        $this->objectManager = $objectManager;
        $this->_senderResolver = $senderResolver;
        $this->mailTransportFactory = $mailTransportFactory;
        $this->emailMessageInterfaceFactory = $emailMessageInterfaceFactory ?: $this->objectManager
        $this->mimeMessageInterfaceFactory = $mimeMessageInterfaceFactory ?: $this->objectManager
        $this->mimePartInterfaceFactory = $mimePartInterfaceFactory ?: $this->objectManager
        $this->addressConverter = $addressConverter ?: $this->objectManager
        $this->partFactory = $objectManager->get(PartFactory::class);
        parent::__construct($templateFactory, $message, $senderResolver, $objectManager, $mailTransportFactory, $messageFactory, $emailMessageInterfaceFactory, $mimeMessageInterfaceFactory,
            $mimePartInterfaceFactory, $addressConverter);

     * Add cc address
     * @param array|string $address
     * @param string $name
     * @return $this
    public function addCc($address, $name = '')
        $this->addAddressByType('cc', $address, $name);

        return $this;

     * Add to address
     * @param array|string $address
     * @param string $name
     * @return $this
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    public function addTo($address, $name = '')
        $this->addAddressByType('to', $address, $name);

        return $this;

     * Add bcc address
     * @param array|string $address
     * @return $this
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    public function addBcc($address)
        $this->addAddressByType('bcc', $address);

        return $this;

     * Set Reply-To Header
     * @param string $email
     * @param string|null $name
     * @return $this
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    public function setReplyTo($email, $name = null)
        $this->addAddressByType('replyTo', $email, $name);

        return $this;

     * Set mail from address
     * @param string|array $from
     * @return $this
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     * @see setFromByScope()
     * @deprecated 102.0.1 This function sets the from address but does not provide
     * a way of setting the correct from addresses based on the scope.
    public function setFrom($from)
        return $this->setFromByScope($from);

     * Set mail from address by scopeId
     * @param string|array $from
     * @param string|int $scopeId
     * @return $this
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws MailException
     * @since 102.0.1
    public function setFromByScope($from, $scopeId = null)
        $result = $this->_senderResolver->resolve($from, $scopeId);
        $this->addAddressByType('from', $result['email'], $result['name']);

        return $this;

     * Set template identifier
     * @param string $templateIdentifier
     * @return $this
    public function setTemplateIdentifier($templateIdentifier)
        $this->templateIdentifier = $templateIdentifier;

        return $this;

     * Set template model
     * @param string $templateModel
     * @return $this
    public function setTemplateModel($templateModel)
        $this->templateModel = $templateModel;
        return $this;

     * Set template vars
     * @param array $templateVars
     * @return $this
    public function setTemplateVars($templateVars)
        $this->templateVars = $templateVars;

        return $this;

     * Set template options
     * @param array $templateOptions
     * @return $this
    public function setTemplateOptions($templateOptions)
        $this->templateOptions = $templateOptions;

        return $this;

     * Get mail transport
     * @return TransportInterface
     * @throws LocalizedException
    public function getTransport()
        try {
            $mailTransport = $this->mailTransportFactory->create(['message' => clone $this->message]);
        } finally {

        return $mailTransport;

     * Reset object state
     * @return $this
    protected function reset()
        $this->messageData = [];
        $this->templateIdentifier = null;
        $this->templateVars = null;
        $this->templateOptions = null;
        return $this;

     * Get template
     * @return TemplateInterface
    protected function getTemplate()
        return $this->templateFactory->get($this->templateIdentifier, $this->templateModel)

     * Prepare message.
     * @return $this
     * @throws LocalizedException if template type is unknown
    protected function prepareMessage()
        $template = $this->getTemplate();
        $content = $template->processTemplate();
        switch ($template->getType()) {
            case TemplateTypesInterface::TYPE_TEXT:
                $part['type'] = MimeInterface::TYPE_TEXT;

            case TemplateTypesInterface::TYPE_HTML:
                $part['type'] = MimeInterface::TYPE_HTML;

                throw new LocalizedException(
                    new Phrase('Unknown template type')
        $mimePart = $this->mimePartInterfaceFactory->create(['content' => $content]);
        $parts = count($this->attachments) ? array_merge([$mimePart], $this->attachments) : [$mimePart];
        $this->messageData['body'] = $this->mimeMessageInterfaceFactory->create(
            ['parts' => $parts]

        $this->messageData['subject'] = html_entity_decode(
        $this->message = $this->emailMessageInterfaceFactory->create($this->messageData);

        return $this;

     * Handles possible incoming types of email (string or array)
     * @param string $addressType
     * @param string|array $email
     * @param string|null $name
     * @return void
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    private function addAddressByType(string $addressType, $email, ?string $name = null): void
        if (is_string($email)) {
            $this->messageData[$addressType][] = $this->addressConverter->convert($email, $name);
        $convertedAddressArray = $this->addressConverter->convertMany($email);
        if (isset($this->messageData[$addressType])) {
            $this->messageData[$addressType] = array_merge(
        } else {
        $this->messageData[$addressType] = $convertedAddressArray;

     * @param string|null $content
     * @param string|null $fileName
     * @param string|null $fileType
     * @return TransportBuilder
    public function addAttachment(?string $content, ?string $fileName, ?string $fileType)
        $attachmentPart = $this->partFactory->create();
        $this->attachments[] = $attachmentPart;

        return $this;

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