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Cannot add/edit product attributes from backend in magento 2

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Cannot add/edit product attributes from backend in magento 2

While adding and editing product attributes from backend in magento 2 it gives HTTP ERROR 500


Re: Cannot add/edit product attributes from backend in magento 2

Hi @vrushali_mhetre1,


If you're getting an error 500 probably you'll find a message into the Magento's logs and mayube even into your webserver error log.

Can you check those files?

Re: Cannot add/edit product attributes from backend in magento 2

I am getting following error while adding/editing product attributes from store in magento 2


PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '?' in /public_html/test/vendor/magento/module-swatches/view/adminhtml/templates/catalog/product/attribute/visual.phtml on line 88

Re: Cannot add/edit product attributes from backend in magento 2

Hi @vrushali_mhetre1,


Which version of Magento are you using?

Re: Cannot add/edit product attributes from backend in magento 2

Hi Damian,


I am using 2.1.0 magento version. I am using huge theme for magento which requires this verison.