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Change Estimated Total Title in Checkout

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Change Estimated Total Title in Checkout



When I go through the checkout in my store on mobile i get an estimated total. I want this just say total.


Can anyone help please


Re: Change Estimated Total Title in Checkout

You just need to create i18n folder in your theme level,


Now keep the first column as original text and second column as the translated word.

Estimated Total,Total

Now run below command,

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:flush
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Re: Change Estimated Total Title in Checkout



Thank you for your response i did this but it is still the same.

Re: Change Estimated Total Title in Checkout

Thank you I have resolved this now.

Re: Change Estimated Total Title in Checkout


Can you tell me how did you fixed the "estimate" label? 


Re: Change Estimated Total Title in Checkout

Please open the hints file in development mode and open file links in debug. Then you will see the filepath for this text.There you have to change the lable name.

Re: Change Estimated Total Title in Checkout


Can you please help me out, I want to do the same.
