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Checkout success page not showing

Checkout success page not showing

Hello World,


i have a big problem, after upgrading magento to latest version 2.3.3,

that i could not resolve a normaly order in the shop.

So order success page don't show..but order submits it.

The Customer get an reloop to payment site and these error, but the order is complete, the customer is thinking that the order not complete and clicking again.

2019-11-16 19_38_15-Kasse.png

What could it be?

in the browser console i get these:


POST :  rest/default/V1/carts/mine/payment-information 500 (Internal Server Error)

The exception.log are empty.


Thank you 



Re: Checkout success page not showing

Hi @Olek89 


Please share the link of the screenshot as it is visible only once approved by moderator.


One more thing if you are getting this error on browser console then it might be the issue of payment method which they are using.


For confirming if it is related to payment method you can try by creating order with another method.



Re: Checkout success page not showing

Hello @Olek89 

Please check the root_dir/var/report/api folder if exist or root_dir/var/exception.log file you will get the reason probably.

Confirm with payment gateway service provider once.
Also one case,
During the upgrade process, is there any new order that came on the store for which payment has been accepted by payment gateway and generated an invoice?
Those orders you didn't take here or something like that?
What happens sometimes payment gateway has new invoice numbers on payment gateway side, but it case store doesn't have a new order and when you try to place the order, it takes available incremental id to create order but payment gateway side that invoice id already generated, so it throws an error.
Solution: you will need to either bring those orders here, or place dummy orders here, or change the order increment id ahead than current.
I know it's a bit confusing, but if you don't understand please dm me, I will try to explain to you better. 
Was my answer helpful? You can accept it as a solution.
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Re: Checkout success page not showing

I have disabled the paypal plus modul but still the same error.

In the exception.log only these errors:


[2019-11-17 01:35:44] main.CRITICAL: Order not found. {"exception":"[object] (Magento\\Framework\\Exception\\LocalizedException(code: 0): Order not found. at /home/users/XXX/www/app/code/Iways/PayPalPlus/Model/Webhook/Event.php:256)"} []
[2019-11-17 10:59:56] main.CRITICAL: Statistiken können nicht erfasst werden! Warning!stat(): stat failed for /home/users/XXX/www/pub/static/frontend/Alothemes/digitalstore1/de_DE/mage/requirejs/mixins.js {"exception":"[object] (Magento\\Framework\\Exception\\FileSystemException(code: 0): Statistiken können nicht erfasst werden! Warning!stat(): stat failed for /home/users/XXX/www/pub/static/frontend/Alothemes/digitalstore1/de_DE/mage/requirejs/mixins.js at /home/users/XXX/www/vendor/magento/framework/Filesystem/Driver/File.php:73)"} []

Re: Checkout success page not showing

Thank you, i have uploaded it on server:


Also the problem exist if i have only the payment from Magento2.



Re: Checkout success page not showing

One Error was found by magecomp


<b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Magento\Email\Model\Template\Interceptor::setVars() must be of the type array, null given, called in /home/users/XXX/www/vendor/magento/framework/Mail/Template/TransportBuilder.php on line 368 and defined in /home/users/XXX/www/generated/code/Magento/Email/Model/Template/Interceptor.php:189


Somebody now hot to resolve this issue?

Re: Checkout success page not showing

Hi @Olek89 


use the below and check if it helps.


rm -rf generated/*

php bin/magento cache:flush


Re: Checkout success page not showing


I have the same issue while placing order.
The issue is with any other the Payment method. I tried disabling the module
Magento_SamplePaymentGateway from command line and now place order redirecting to success page.