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Commerce 2.4.7-p1 incompatible with magento/b2b-extension

Commerce 2.4.7-p1 incompatible with magento/b2b-extension

These are incompatible due to:
magento/product-enterprise-edition:2.4.7-p1 requires magento/framework: 103.0.7-p1
magento/extension-b2b:* requires magento/framework: <=103.0.7 (based on composer output)

For reference here is the composer output:
Problem 1
- magento/extension-b2b[1.4.0, ..., 1.4.2] require magento/framework >=103.0.6 <=103.0.7 -> satisfiable by magento/framework[103.0.6-beta1, ..., 103.0.7].
- You can only install one version of a package, so only one of these can be installed: magento/framework[100.0.2, ..., 100.2.0-rc20, 101.0.0-rc21, ..., 101.0.12, 102.0.0, ..., 102.0.7-p3, 103.0.0-beta1, ..., 103.0.7-p1].

Suggested fix:
In magento/b2b-extension allow magento framework 103.0.7-p1 (and higher to avoid the same error in the future)

With kind regards


Re: Commerce 2.4.7-p1 incompatible with magento/b2b-extension

Side note:

magento/product-community-edition 2.4.7-p1 requires magento/framework (103.0.7-p1)
So technically it is not commerce which causes this issue but it does not change anything

Re: Commerce 2.4.7-p1 incompatible with magento/b2b-extension

I have same issue, do you get the feedback from Adobe team?

Re: Commerce 2.4.7-p1 incompatible with magento/b2b-extension

Not yet, this issue was intended to notify Adobe.

Is there another way to communicate this issue to Adobe?

Re: Commerce 2.4.7-p1 incompatible with magento/b2b-extension

Quick workaround to use in your project's composer require section: 

"magento/framework": "103.0.7-p1 as 103.0.7"

Re: Commerce 2.4.7-p1 incompatible with magento/b2b-extension

True but we don't know if there is an actual incompatibility or that it is just a version constraint error (most likely).

Re: Commerce 2.4.7-p1 incompatible with magento/b2b-extension