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Configurable product attribute sort order?

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Configurable product attribute sort order?

I have seen this issue reported several times for 1.9, but not for 2.0.


I have sorted the attribute values as expected, but when they are displayed in the dropdown, they are not displayed in that order.


Stock Luma theme. 100% clean/stock install of CE 2.2.


Everything has been reindexed and cache cleared.


2017-09-29_9-30-19.png 2017-09-29_9-30-49.png


Re: Configurable product attribute sort order?

I found an open issue for this on GitHub:

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Re: Configurable product attribute sort order?


Not really an answer to your problem. I have lots (100+) of colors and they are a crime to sort by dragging.

Therefor a use this query to order them by value 


# drop table temp;  ##remove first# in this row if temp allready exists
SET @row_number = 0;
create TEMPORARY table temp
(select (@row_number:=@row_number + 1) AS num,a.option_id ,a.value
from mg2_eav_attribute_option_value a
order by value);

UPDATE mg2_eav_attribute_option b , temp
SET sort_order=num
where temp.option_id=b.option_id and attribute_id=142


#attribute_id in my case <lookup in  eav_attribute)
#141 brand 
#142 size
#143 color