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Contact form can't submit

Contact form can't submit

When i try to test the form 'contact us' I get an error message:

We can't process your request right now. Sorry, that's all we know.


I tested a simple php sendmail script and the server is sending mails. I use wamp server 2.5 on windows vista sp2

in php.ini i put the setttings for the smtp server.


In the error logs i can't find an error related to this.

In the store configuration the settings related to the contact us form are:

Enable contact us: Yes

Send Emails To: (put my valid email adress here)

Email Sender: General Contact

Email Template: Contact Form (Default)


Store Email Adresses contains:

Sender Name: Info

Sender Email: (put my valid email adress here, same as above)


Anyone who has tips to further investigate this?


Re: Contact form can't submit

Same problem here.


At first I had no theme, and the Contact Us form wouldn't work.

Then I added a theme, and it still doesn't work.

A friend tried the Contact Us form from a different computer, and the form didn't work from there, either.

I sent a separate (test) email to the "send email to" email and it worked, so the email address is functioning.


I'm on Magento Standard Version

Firefox, Windows 8.1


>>>Rank Newbie trying to set up my shop. No knowledge of coding whatsoever.