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Create Order in backend yields raw HTML code (CE 2.4.3)

Create Order in backend yields raw HTML code (CE 2.4.3)

From the Orders screen, clicking on the "Create New Order" button on top right yields a page of raw HTML code as below (domain name removed, only first few lines copied):

<form id="edit_form" data-order-config='{&quot;store_id&quot;:&quot;1&quot;,&quot;currency_symbol&quot;:&quot;$&quot;,&quot;shipping_method_reseted&quot;:true,&quot;payment_method&quot;:null,&quot;quote_id&quot;:&quot;2236&quot;}'
      action="https://xxxxx.xx/xxxxxl/sales/order_create/save/key/xxxxxfc6bfcf712251a628cdf4ec1444e4862189b7d39df91dc7f4188c/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <div><input name="form_key" type="hidden" value="M0xWPWsl09QopqNH" /></div>
    <div id="order-message">
    <div id="order-customer-selector" class="fieldset-wrapper order-customer-selector no-display">

Same happens when dropping into a previous order and clicking on the "Reorder" option.


Re: Create Order in backend yields raw HTML code (CE 2.4.3)

From the Magento system.log

[2022-05-05 17:10:17] main.CRITICAL: TypeError: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given in /var/www/xxxxxx/vendor/magento/framework/Escaper.php:417

Re: Create Order in backend yields raw HTML code (CE 2.4.3)

Your article is very good and useful, thank you for sharing, bk8 hopes that next time you will have more good articles to send to all readers.