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Deleted product are reimported from a csv file, shows in the admin but not in the frontend

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Deleted product are reimported from a csv file, shows in the admin but not in the frontend

Hi Guys,


Another issue...

I will try to explain:

1. I had deleted one product from the admin area, says for example SKU #222

2. I imported from csv file products, using the method "add/update"... In the csv file are the product deleted in the previous point..  SKU #222

3. When the import is processed, all the products are updated, and the new product with SKU #222 reapears in the list of catalog in the admin area as a new product..

4. No matters what I do, in the frontend don´t appear..


- I have already run these commands lines without success:

php bin/magento index:reindex

php bin/magento cache:clean

php bin/magento cache:flush


 - I have exported the new product list to a csv file to see if there some column that have a value that is different of the rest the products and no.. I did not find any difference..


Any Ideas why this reimported product don´t appear in the frontend again?


Thanks a lot!


Re: Deleted product are reimported from a csv file, shows in the admin but not in the frontend

Kindly check your product with Category is assigned or not?

-- Product In the website with the checkbox is checked or not

-- Product is in Stock and Qty greater than 0

-- Product status is Enable or not


If above all criteria are fine then you need to check directly hit the url in frontend using get the value of url_key from Search Engine Optimization Tabs and check product is the display or not.

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Re: Deleted product are reimported from a csv file, shows in the admin but not in the frontend



Thanks for your reply..


Investigatin a bit I could notice the following:


- I have a block in the cms home page for display products.. the only condition that I had put was that the category id be equal to 14... If I delete that condition, the product magically reappears in the list of the front end.. So I think "There may be the possibility that it has been imported into a different category"... In the admin area, the product category of the imported product that not appear in the frontend, is the same as de rest of the products.. 

I tell me to myselft.. I will go to the phpMyAdmin an saw the table for view the relationship between the product and the category ID, the table is catalog_category_product.. And, for my surprise, the product with the ID 20 got the correct category ID, like the rest of the products...

So.. What am I missing?