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ENV.PHP empty after Disabling Module

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ENV.PHP empty after Disabling Module

Hey there,

I have a problem with Magento. Everytime I try to enable or disable a module my env.php is emptied out


Just now I disabled Vertex_Tax

php bin/magento module:disable -c Vertex_Tax

The following modules have been disabled:
- Vertex_Tax

Cache cleared successfully.
Generated classes cleared successfully. Please run the 'setup:di:compile' command to generate classes.
Generated static view files cleared successfully.

Then I wanted to run the command

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

which resulted in the error

Invalid configuration file: '/var/www/vhosts/domain/httpdocs/app/etc/env.php'

ENV looks like this now

return 1;

does anybody know if it is a bug or what could cause the error?


Re: ENV.PHP empty after Disabling Module

Hi me too this error facing while enable or disable the module. but still not get any solution. I am using php73. and magento version is 2.3.-p1. if any body solve this please let us know.