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Elastic search server get stop after some time

Elastic search server get stop after some time


I am using Magento 2.4.0 and elastic search 7.6+ installed on the server. RAM 6 GB. Magento removes MySQL from the search engine for Magento 2.4.0. Elasticsearch makes it compulsory for this version and without Elasticsearch Magento not work.  

Right now, Elastic search is consuming more than half of the memory, which is making the server down and elastic search getting turned off automatically very often. 
I need to know how much elastic search requires RAM or swap or heap memory? Also, Need to know the configuration of the elastic search so our site never stops due to this elastic search.


Thank you

Thank you,
Koffee Express Team

Re: Elastic search server get stop after some time

Elastic Search, how its installed, how its configured, and the Magento team forcing it upon us with poor instructions has been a point of contention for me. It's why I have not moved ahead from version 2.3.3.


My last go around with setting it up I experienced memory consumption errors as well. It seemed to be broken with PHP-FPM. No matter how I tweaked the memory consumption there were errors. 8 GB memory should be plenty for Magento + Elastic Search on a store with under 300 SKUs... The team phased out MySQL catalog searching too soon.

