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Error after install extension and uninstall it

Error after install extension and uninstall it

I needed to install an SMTP extension on Magento 2.2.7, so I installed Pageplaza Core and SMTP extensions, but these extensions didn't work, so I uninstalled them.

Now, when I try to enter at home, at admin page or execute a command line, I only receive this ugly error message:
Fatal error: Interface 'Interop\Container\ContainerInterface' not found in /usr/aplic_ICM/prod/web/gap_venta/vendor/zendframework/zend-servicemanager/src/ServiceLocatorInterface.php on line 17


How can I repair this?


Re: Error after install extension and uninstall it

Hello @esencials 


are you using any module related to



if yes then remove it and check if.


if works then mark as a solution

Problem solved? Click Kudos & Accept as Solution!
Sunil Patel
Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer & Frontend Developer