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Exceptions when installing extension data

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Exceptions when installing extension data

A total newbie, I've just installed Magento 2.1.2 CE (zip-file with sample data), verified the installation and then attempted to enable a couple of third-party extensions using the following commands:


php bin/magento module:enable Cminds_Supplierfrontendproductuploader
php bin/magento module:enable Cminds_Marketplace
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

The upgrade operation appears to fail with the following exceptions:

Module 'Cminds_Supplierfrontendproductuploader':
Installing data...

  Area code not set: Area code must be set before starting a session.

  Area code is not set

I've seen a multitude of suggested work-arounds on GitHub (resetting the sample data, hacking PHP files, etc.) none of which has worked.


Anyone out there have any ideas?


Re: Exceptions when installing extension data

I got past this by reinstalling Magento without the sample data. I'd quite like to know why, though.