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Fields created_at and updated_at not imported

Fields created_at and updated_at not imported

I cannot update created_at & updated_at fields of product entities via CSV import.

I'm looking in the catalog_product_entity DB, and the values are not updated accordingly. They still hold the import's timestamp (i.e. now).


My locale is Romanian (ro_RO), but changing the country and locale to English does not make a difference.


I've tried several formats:
- 2015-10-25 3:34:20 as suggested by Magento's import sample file
- 28.11.2020, 18:22 as it appears if I do a Magento product export
- 2015-q35y4hwrg10-25 3:34:20 an invalid date format; no error is thrown, import carries on successfully


I am not using any other extra plugin to do the import, it's the standard Magento one.

Would even be nice to know where to debug this issue.

Magento 2.3.5-p1, PHP 7.3.24