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Frontend sessions do not appear to work

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Frontend sessions do not appear to work


  • I have a fresh install of 2.1.5.
  • I am able to login to the M2 backend
  • I cannot login to the frontend. Additionally, No notifications appear on the frontend (i.e. "Invalid password provided") though I can see messages injected into my Magento cookies.

My Config: 

  • Cookie Path and Cookie Domain are empty in my config. My cookie path is "/" and my cookie domain is ""
  • My store URL is
  • Use Secure URLs on Storefront & Use Secure URLs on Admin are set to: Yes


Troubleshooting Efforts:


I modified Magento\Framework\Data\Form\FormKey\Validator::validate() to include


var_dump($this->_formKey->getFormKey(),$formKey = $request->getParam('form_key', null)); 

 When I clear my cookies, the first time I login the keys are identical yet I am redirected to the login page without any notifications.

I then immediately try to log in again and the keys no longer are a match.