Is there any api in magento to get list of all coupons appreciable to a corresponding cart id. can we get rules for a cart id abd then find coupon through it
@gelanivishal Do you know any solution for this?
Hello @Sahil_coder ,
I need to check it, I'll let you know once find a solution for it.
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Hello @Sahil_coder ,
I'm not sure, You want get list of order in which coupon code is applied. If you want like this then please check below api call
Method: GET
URL: {{website.url}}/index.php/rest/V1/orders?searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][filters][0][field]=coupon_code&searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][filters][0][value]&searchCriteria[filter_groups][0][filters][0][condition_type]=notnull
Authorization: bearer {{token}}
Please check more information here
In response, You get all orders in coupon code applied.
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I want when person add items in cart and go to checkout page show all coupons that can be applied to that cart , it can contains multiple items
For example - As you got to checkout page in zomato,myntra they show you a list of coupons that can be applied on your order . so you can pick one and place order.
@gelanivishal any solution you got?
Hello @Sahil_coder ,
I have checked in that case but didn't find any solution for now.
By default Magento, didn't provide this type functionality, You need to create custom functionality in that case.
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Is there any way like ,this gives rules applied on cart
$appliedRuleIds = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote()->getAppliedRuleIds();
is there some way to get all applicable rules on a cart ?
Hello @Sahil_coder ,
We can use \Magento\Quote\Model\Quote\Item $item to check the applied rules.
$item->getAppliedRuleIds(); $item->getDiscountAmount();
See a good example here: vendor/magento/module-sales-rule/Observer/SalesOrderAfterPlaceObserver.php
In database, we should take a look at quote_item table
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its shows list of applied rule , i need to get list of applicable rules