for example How can I export Payment Information for last 2 months orders? if I export orders it shows everything but the most important part the "Payment Information!!" clients have an email for their account but they might use another to pay with paypal. I need to know their last 4 digits of credit card to confirm am refunding to the exact order and to have everything organized.
How something so simple is not standard? export orders> ok you all the order information in csv but not the payment method.... nice.
Help how can this be done?
you can create a MySQL Query and save/export the information in CSV
SELECT so.entity_id, so.increment_id, so.customer_email, sop.cc_last_4, sop.additional_information, Json_extract(sop.additional_information, '$.paypal_payer_email') AS paypal_payer_email FROM sales_order AS so JOIN sales_order_payment AS sop ON so.entity_id = sop.parent_id WHERE so.created_at >= Date(Now()) - INTERVAL 2 month AND sop.method = "paypal_express"
here you can add or modify additional keys that are available in additional_information for payment.
also, you can create a button on the order grid and a controller in which you can export a CSV file with these fields.