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Images appear in the wrong order

Images appear in the wrong order


We have recently come across an issue with our product images which we upload via FTP.

It looks as if the images are uploading correctly to the backend, but for some unknown reason, the images appears in the wrong order on the front. Sometimes it even leaves out an image on the frontend.

Below you can see how the 4 images are correctly placed in the backend, but in the next picture it randomize the order and even leaves out image_1.jpg.


Anyone seen anything like this?

Backend BackendFrontend Frontend


Re: Images appear in the wrong order


There might be the image named image.jpg that's why Magento convert it with image_1.jpg

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Re: Images appear in the wrong order

Hi @Sanjay Jethva 


Sorry I was unspecific.

The example is item number 52500. I have uploaded 4 images named:






When I look at item number 52500 in the backend, all 4 images are shown. But on the frontend I only see 52500_2, 52500_3 and 52500_4. They are in the wrong order and one of them appears twice.

I don't know if you can see my images, because apparently I cannot load them.

Re: Images appear in the wrong order


Pass the command of image resize:
php bin/magento catalog:images:resize
and check the image store-wise.
Check whether the other image is not uploaded store-wise
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