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Int not saving correctly

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Int not saving correctly

I've set up a compiler of sorts for quicker reads on frontend. However, it's not saving the correct value.

This is the relevant part for saving info to the table:


$indexedModel = $this->_indexedCollection->create();
$simple = $this->_productLoader->create()->load($row['simple_id']);

if ($this->deleteGroupedIndex($row['grouped_id'], $simple->getSku()) !== true) {
    return false;

    case 1: $indexedModel->setData('required_qty', $row['value']); break;
    case 2: $indexedModel->setData('img_number', $row['value']); break;
    case 3: $indexedModel->setData('notes', $row['value']); break;

$indexedModel->setData('group_id', $row['grouped_id']);
$indexedModel->setData('sku', $simple->getSku());
$indexedModel->setData('title', $simple->getName());
$indexedModel->setData('img_name', 'product'. $simple->getData('thumbnail'));
$indexedModel->setData('rrp', $simple->getPriceInfo()->getPrice('regular_price')->getValue());
$indexedModel->setData('availability', ($simple->isSaleable() ? 'In Stock' : 'Out of Stock'));


Every other field works fine, except for the `img_number` field, which gets defined in my schema like this:

    'Image Number'

`$defaultOpts` for reference is just `$defaultOpts = ['nullable' => false];`

in the database:

MariaDB [partsusr_m2]> describe vendor_module_indexed;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(10) unsigned | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| group_id | int(10) unsigned | NO | | NULL | |
| img_number | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
| sku | varchar(30) | NO | | NULL | |
| title | varchar(100) | NO | | NULL | |
| img_name | varchar(100) | NO | | NULL | |
| notes | varchar(255) | NO | | NULL | |
| rrp | decimal(6,2) | NO | | NULL | |
| required_qty | int(11) | NO | | NULL | |
| availability | varchar(50) | NO | | NULL | |

So everything looks like it should work, however, it's getting saved as 0 in the database.

I added this:


$writer = new \Zend\Log\Writer\Stream(BP . '/var/log/dab.log');
$logger = new \Zend\Log\Logger();

to my case 2 (case 2 = image number) which outputs as:

2020-03-13T16:51:43+00:00 INFO (6): SOME-SKU-001::1
2020-03-13T16:51:43+00:00 INFO (6): SOME-SKU-002::2
2020-03-13T16:51:43+00:00 INFO (6): SOME-SKU-003::3
2020-03-13T16:51:43+00:00 INFO (6): SOME-SKU-004::4
2020-03-13T16:51:44+00:00 INFO (6): SOME-SKU-005::5
2020-03-13T16:51:44+00:00 INFO (6): SOME-SKU-006::6

so, the case is being matched and there's integer values. I even tried typecasting by adding `(int)` before `$row['value']` but still the same result.


How do I save my integer value into my custom database? Or, how do I find out why it's using 0 instead of the value?



I've changed the case 2 to this:

case 2: $indexedModel->setData('img_number', 7); break;

yet, it's still being saved as 0 - so not an issue with the post value being incorrect type/value.



Re: Int not saving correctly

@trey_sinnis In the switch case you are checking the value of  $row['attr_id'] but in the logger you are printng the value of $row['value'].


So can you please check if you are getting value 2 for $row['attr_id'].




Re: Int not saving correctly

@Rahul Gupta  That writer only gets triggered if the attr_id = 2, no need to log the attr_id when it's only logging for case 2