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Invalid form key' when add to basket' (php vars is et at1000000) Mag 2.4.3 p1

Invalid form key' when add to basket' (php vars is et at1000000) Mag 2.4.3 p1



I'm now getting an Invalid form key when someone adds to basket. It seems to temporarily resolve when I do a static redeploy but it suddenly reappears after a while.


max_input_vars is set as 1000000 and the site is non-local. Has anyone any idea what could be the cause?


Re: Invalid form key' when add to basket' (php vars is et at1000000) Mag 2.4.3 p1

The issue seems to be speed. if I press the Add to cart button straight away - the invalid form key message is generated. It starts working once the page has loaded more. The issue seems to be content in data layers delaying the load. is there a way to load the form key straight away?