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Magento 1.9 -> 2.4 migration error : Not mapped id key

Magento 1.9 -> 2.4 migration error : Not mapped id key


I'm trying to migrate my data from M1 to M2 2.4.0 using data-migration-tool.

Settings migration works fine, but I have issues with the data migration at EAV step.

I've solved the first error 

"[ERROR]: Not mapped id key 138 found for eav_entity_attribute.attribute_id"

by deleting entries in these tables :

mysql> delete  from catalog_eav_attribute where attribute_id="138";

mysql> delete  from eav_entity_attribute where attribute_id="138";


Running again the migration tool with --reset option or not shown an other error, and no ideas  how to solve : 

[ERROR]: Not mapped id key 13 found for eav_entity_attribute.attribute_set_id

How can I solve this?

Thanks Thomas


Re: Magento 1.9 -> 2.4 migration error : Not mapped id key

Hello @magentodeb 


Usually this error occur during the migration because you are not mapping the data properly,  when you run the migration tool, it create the Duplicate id that's why not showing the error, just look all the id's of attribute and do double check after that run the migration tool

This will defiantly solve's your problem

