I have faced lot issue based on this extension, i can't able to remove by using following cmd,
composer remove Temando_Shipping
Now i just disabled, how to remove properly?
Hi @Aveeva
You can follow the below steps with Composer Uninstall::
Remove and Disable the module by executing below commands:
1. php bin/magento module:disable Temando_Shipping --clear-static-content
2. composer remove temando/module-shipping-m2
3. Delete Temando_Shipping entry from setup_module table
4. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Note: you can find the exact match for ExtensionProvider and ExtensionName in composer.json file associated with the extension.
Hi @Aveeva
This error should not happen when run this CLI
This is a different issue. Check the given below solution if it can help you to fix this
@Aveeva Try to run the below command first and then run the command to remove the module.
apt-get install git
Also this module install some product attributes, so remove those by using below sql command in phpmyadmin.
delete from eav_attribute where source_model like '%Temand%';