Hello, I am learning a lot from Magento CMS and I like it very much.
I have setup my ecommerce and most of the functions work properly. I have a small issue that is quite critical to my website and I need some help to reach the desired goal.
The issue: Contact us form doesn't send email.
An error occurred while processing your form. Please try again later.
I have read conflicting information on the internet. I read that you have to setup a SMTP server to send mail. Others said that the contact form uses PHP mail function and doesn't need SMTP server.
I do not have a SMTP server yet. I do not mind installing one but I would love to have a precise tutorial on how to do so. I have read that there is free SMTP extension to download but they seem to all be for 2.3 (will it work for 2.4 too?)
Also, if you add SMTP extension, do you still need to download a SMTP on your sever?
Will adding SMTP remove all email problems? Thank you