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Magento 2 Advanced Reporting Issues

Magento 2 Advanced Reporting Issues

Hello all,


I'm having some difficulties getting Advanced Reporting up and running. I have enabled Advanced Reporting on the Configuration page, the status is enabled. I have created the Magento Analytics user with the correct permissions. I have set all base currencies to EUR and removed all orders and than created new orders. I have run the analytics_collect_data cronjob multiple times with n98-magerun2. I have waited 24 hrs as well. Unfortunately, I'm still seeing the 404 page. I can see that there is a .tgz file created in the pub/media/analytics/.. folder.

To summarize, this is what I have tried:
- wait 24 hrs
- Magento Analytics vs Magento Analytics user

- run the cron jobs with n98-magerun2

- reindexing, clearing cache etc...

- removed old orders and created new one


I have checked my logs and I can not find any errors. I'm hoping someone has a tip on how to resolve this issue. If anything is unclear feel free to ask.