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Magento 2 - Free Shipping at a Product Level

Magento 2 - Free Shipping at a Product Level

Hi All,


Can anyone advise on how we can offer free shipping at a product level?


I found this tutorial (link below) and tried to replicate it, however when I click on "please choose a condition to add"  the sku's do not come up as an option our magento (screenshot below)?


Any ideas why this might be the case?


Also we are using starshipit and they do not offer free shipping on a product level so I have to work out a way to do it via magento 2.


no sku available to choose.PNG



Re: Magento 2 - Free Shipping at a Product Level

Hi @chiara_pagano 


First you need to allow attribute sku to be used for promo rules. To do this follow below steps:


1. Go to Stores >> Attributes >> Products

2. Seacrh for attribute code "sku"

3. Edit sku attribute then click on "Store front properties" in left panel.

4. Enable "Use for Promo Rule Conditions" setting this option to yes.

5. Save the configuration then you will be able to see sku in promo conditions.

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Re: Magento 2 - Free Shipping at a Product Level

So these steps worked to add sku as a condition - however the cart rule doesn't seem to work with offering free shipping at a product level - do you know more on this?

Re: Magento 2 - Free Shipping at a Product Level

Hi @chiara_pagano 


Please follow below step by step guide. That is easy to set.


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Re: Magento 2 - Free Shipping at a Product Level

So I found this tutorial the other week and tried to implement it however it doesn't work and not sure if it's because we have free shipping set up for click and collect as we have starship it integrated now