I followed your steps again and I'm afraid it did not solve the problem... I think the problem is the new module?
If I restore a back-up before I installed the module I get no errors but after installing it the exception log shows.
main.CRITICAL: Unable to get content for 'frontend/Smartwave/porto_child/en_US/Vendor_Module/js/vendormodule.js
Do you have any ideas for this?
@Rakesh Jesadiya @gelanivishal
It seemed gelanivishal's solution just worked for me! I had to do the following commands after the require-config.js file.
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento c:c
php bin/magento c:f
Thank you guys for your time
Hello @gelanivishal
I have the same js errors in my console, to fix these errors I have added the code which you have shared, Now I am not getting those errors but by fancybox is not working. Getting "Fancybox library is not loaded" this error in console. To fix this fancybox error I have added fancybox in my requirejs-config.js file. Still It is showing me same error and my quickview popup is not working. Please review my code and please guide me to fix this issue.
var config = { shim: { jquery: { exports: '$' }, 'Smartwave_Megamenu/js/sw_megamenu': { deps: ['jquery'] }, 'owl.carousel/owl.carousel.min': { deps: ['jquery'] }, 'js/jquery.stellar.min': { deps: ['jquery'] }, 'js/jquery.parallax.min': { deps: ['jquery'] }, 'fancybox/js/jquery.fancybox': { deps: ['jquery'] } } };
I have Applied given solution worked in mozialla but in firefox it gives error for fotorama.js
I have added it in reaquire-config.js but not working.
@gelanivishal wrote:Hello @m_w1,
create a requirejs-config.js in the root of the child theme
app/design/frontend/Smartwave/porto_child and put in the following:
var config = { shim: { jquery: { exports: '$' }, 'Smartwave_Megamenu/js/sw_megamenu': { deps: ['jquery'] }, 'owl.carousel/owl.carousel.min': { deps: ['jquery'] }, 'js/jquery.stellar.min': { deps: ['jquery'] }, 'js/jquery.parallax.min': { deps: ['jquery'] } } };
And change the entries:
<script src="jquery.js" /> <script src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" /> <script src="fancybox/js/jquery.fancybox.js" />To:
<remove src="jquery.js" /> <remove src="bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js" /> <remove src="fancybox/js/jquery.fancybox.js" />Within file:
No more need for merging javascripts, no more javascript errors! I have no need for the fancybox, turned it off, but if you do require it, I guess it should be included in the requirejs as well.
Let us know if you get trouble with it.
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