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Magento setup:di:compile throwing class does not exist error message


Magento setup:di:compile throwing class does not exist error message



If anyone can help, greatly appreciated.


Any way just ran setup:di:compile and the following error message has been thrown, no ida why! I have checked the app/code/Magento directory and cannot see any directories relating to any Inventory class. I am running Magento community version 2.3.5.


Class Magento\InventorySourceDeductionApi\Model\GetSourceItemBySourceCodeAndSku does not exist




Thanks in Advance!



Accepted Solutions

Re: Magento setup:di:compile throwing class does not exist error message

Just to wrap things up, following some research I found that the missing inventory modules could be installed via downloading them from Github.


The version of Magento I was using required v1.1.6 .


After downloading and extracting the files were uloaded to the app/code/Magento directory.


chown -R www-data:www-data to modifiy file permissions after upload then:


bin/magento setup:upgrade

bin/magento setup:di:compile

bin/magento cache:clean

bin/magento cache:flush


As I am using the community edition I did not redeploy the static content, but this can be forced: bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f


Anyway problem solved Smiley Happy

View solution in original post


Re: Magrnto setup:di:compile throwing class does not exist error message

kindly check if you have this module enabled 


php bin/magento module:status Magento_InventorySourceDeductionApi

this module is a part of MSI


If you are not using MSI then try disabling all the modules related listed here


Kindly Accept as a Solution if this works for you and give Kudos Smiley Happy 



Re: Magento setup:di:compile throwing class does not exist error message



Thanks for your time...


The module you mention does not exist.


I tried disabling the modules that exist as part of the MSI, but none of them exist also.


Last time I worked on the site and ran setup:di:compile everything ran okay, all I can think is that composer has maybe added a denpendany that does not exis, but I don't think that is the case also!


Possibly after I started to install Facebook Pixel.






Re: Magento setup:di:compile throwing class does not exist error message

Just to wrap things up, following some research I found that the missing inventory modules could be installed via downloading them from Github.


The version of Magento I was using required v1.1.6 .


After downloading and extracting the files were uloaded to the app/code/Magento directory.


chown -R www-data:www-data to modifiy file permissions after upload then:


bin/magento setup:upgrade

bin/magento setup:di:compile

bin/magento cache:clean

bin/magento cache:flush


As I am using the community edition I did not redeploy the static content, but this can be forced: bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f


Anyway problem solved Smiley Happy

Re: Magento setup:di:compile throwing class does not exist error message

Overcome this compilation error you first need to check that all MSI  Modules are installed.

you can easily check on this file app/etc/config.php


'Magento_Inventory' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryAdminUi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryAdvancedCheckout' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryApi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryBundleProduct' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryBundleProductAdminUi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryCatalog' => 1,
'Magento_InventorySales' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryCatalogAdminUi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryCatalogApi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryCatalogSearch' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryConfigurableProduct' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryConfigurableProductAdminUi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryConfigurableProductIndexer' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryConfiguration' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryConfigurationApi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryDistanceBasedSourceSelection' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryDistanceBasedSourceSelectionAdminUi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryDistanceBasedSourceSelectionApi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryElasticsearch' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryExportStockApi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryIndexer' => 1,
'Magento_InventorySalesApi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryGroupedProduct' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryGroupedProductAdminUi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryGroupedProductIndexer' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryImportExport' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryCache' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryLowQuantityNotification' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryLowQuantityNotificationApi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryMultiDimensionalIndexerApi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryProductAlert' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryRequisitionList' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryReservations' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryReservationCli' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryReservationsApi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryExportStock' => 1,
'Magento_InventorySalesAdminUi' => 1,
'Magento_InventorySalesFrontendUi' => 1,
'Magento_InventorySetupFixtureGenerator' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryShipping' => 1,
'Magento_InventorySourceDeductionApi' => 1,
'Magento_InventorySourceSelection' => 1,
'Magento_InventorySourceSelectionApi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryLowQuantityNotificationAdminUi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryShippingAdminUi' => 1,
'Magento_InventoryGraphQl' => 1,

the above compilation error related to this magento module Magento_InventorySourceDeductionApi


so you can check the status of this module it installs or not using the below cmd command 

bin/magento module:status Magento_InventorySourceDeductionApi


if its disable then run 

php bin/magento module:enable Magento_InventorySourceDeductionApi


after enabling this module  I hope your compilation issue resolved. Thanks