Hello All,
Completely new to Magento and just getting my feet wet so please be gentle...
I've installed M2 on a development box (CentOS 7 w/ php 5.6.22...clean install with nothing else on the box) and am having an issue with a product we purchased (uDropShop), but I'm not 100% confident that the issue is with the product as I start digging into the code. (Yes, I am also working with their tech support).
As I try to troubleshoot the issue, I'm noticing that references within their code appear to point to things that do not exist in the <install_dir>/var/generation directory (where I think that they should be based on my limited exposure to M2).
These are the use statements in one of their php files and the yes/no indicates if the directory exists or not....
use \Magento\Backend\Block\Widget\Context; (NO)
use \Magento\Backend\Block\Widget\Form\Container; (NO)
use \Magento\Backend\Model\Session; (YES)
use \Magento\Directory\Helper\Data as DirectoryHelperData; (YES)
use \Magento\Framework\Registry; (NO)
use \Unirgy\Dropship\Helper\Data as HelperData; (NO)
use \Unirgy\Dropship\Model\Vendor; (YES)
use \Zend_Json; (NO)
I've done (and re-done) clearing the di and generation folders, recompile, reindex, etc uncountable times.
Am I totally off-base that all of the directories listed above should exist?
Thank you in advance,