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My web host changed the minimum PHP version and now Magento really is broken.

My web host changed the minimum PHP version and now Magento really is broken.

My web host changed the minimum PHP version from 7.0 to 7.1. It seems Magento 2.2 is struggling to run on PHP 7.1. When I try and load the site, no css or js loads (404 errors).

Files that are not loading are loading from /pub/static/frontend. I check the files and they are there.


I have run clean up and refresh but still no luck.


php -d memory_limit=1024M bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -d memory_limit=1024M bin/magento setup:di:compile
php -d memory_limit=1024M bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_GB
php -d memory_limit=1024M bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy 
php -d memory_limit=1024M bin/magento index:reindex
php -d memory_limit=1024M bin/magento cache:clean

  I guess the issue is with re-write or permissions.

Please help.


Re: My web host changed the minimum PHP version and now Magento really is broken.

  1. Verify Magento compatibility: Check if Magento 2.2 is compatible with PHP 7.1 as per official documentation.

  2. Check file permissions: Ensure that file permissions are correctly set, especially for the pub/static directory.

  3. Deploy static content: Run the command to deploy static content for your locale or all installed locales.

  4. Flush Magento cache: Clear the cache using the appropriate command.

  5. Review rewrite rules: Check the web server configuration for correct rewrite rules (e.g., .htaccess for Apache).

  6. Diagnose error logs: Examine Magento and web server error logs to identify any specific errors or warnings.