Fresh magento 2 install on debian jessie, php 5.6, apache 2.4 (adapted httpd conf and htaccess accordingly).
When trying to add a root category or subcategory, it simply doesn't work, nothing happens and I don't get any specific error message, in magento logs and apache logs.
Is magento 2 usable as of yet?
Please make a screnshot of the "nothing happens".
Whether I click on add a root category or subcategory, nothing happens whatsoever.
May be you have JavaScript errors, see the browser's console for it:
I do have javascript errors indeed:
Uncaught ReferenceError: updateContent is not defined
Which increments every time I click either on add a root category or add a subcategory.
I however haven't touched a single js file from magento.
Thanks for the help
I have a similar problem. When I click on "Add Root Category" it doesn't go to the form it should go, instead it seems to reload the form that's there, the one that starts with
"Enable Category",
"Include in Menu",
"Category Name".
It takes out any data that was in it.
I don't get a js error.
I cannot get to that form for adding a root category.