Chrome driver version: 83
Mftf version: Magento Functional Testing Framework CLI 2.6.5
Test data in .env file:
I run the mftf test using the command: mftf run:test AdminLoginTest
I am getting the below error asHPUnit\Framework\Exception Undefined offset: 43
Scenario --
15x DEPRECATION: Calling the "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface::dispatch()" method with the event name as the first argument is deprecated since Symfony 4.3, pass it as the second argument and provide the event object as the first argument instead. C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php:58
Scenario Steps:
1. // Entering Action Group [loginAsAdmin] LoginAsAdmin
#1 C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\vendor\magento\magento2-functional-testing-framework\src\Magento\FunctionalTestingFramework\Codeception\Subscriber\Console.php:236
#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\vendor\magento\magento2-functional-testing-framework\src\Magento\FunctionalTestingFramework\Codeception\Subscriber\Console.php:165
#3 C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\vendor\magento\magento2-functional-testing-framework\src\Magento\FunctionalTestingFramework\Codeception\Subscriber\Console.php:130
#4 C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php:264
#5 C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php:239
#6 C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\vendor\symfony\event-dispatcher\EventDispatcher.php:73
#7 C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\dev\tests\acceptance\tests\functional\Magento\FunctionalTest\_generated\default\AdminLoginTestCest.php:35
#8 Magento\AcceptanceTest\_default\Backend\AdminLoginTestCest->AdminLoginTest
Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1.
Hello @testerraja7b74
Can you share your PHP version? and please check the Magento requirement if your setup is compatible with it.
Hi @testerraja7b74
Please check all requires php extentions has installed with your system or not first.
This issue raise because of php extention required php7.2-sodium extension.
ext-bcmath ext-ctype ext-curl ext-dom ext-gd ext-hash ext-iconv ext-intl ext-mbstring ext-openssl ext-pdo_mysql ext-simplexml ext-soap ext-xsl ext-zip lib-libxml
Try to install php7.2-sodium with your system and the check again.
It may help you!
Problem Solved? Please click on 'Kudos' & Accept as Solution!
PHP 7.2.31
@gaurav_harsh1 wrote:Hello @testerraja7b74
Can you share your PHP version? and please check the Magento requirement if your setup is compatible with it.
PHP 7.2.31
Magento version:2.3.5-p1
I have tried installing the php7.2 sodium.Still i am getting the same error
The below extensions are already installed by using command : php -m:
ext-bcmath ext-ctype ext-curl ext-dom ext-gd ext-hash ext-iconv ext-intl ext-mbstring ext-openssl ext-pdo_mysql ext-simplexml ext-soap ext-xsl ext-zip lib-libxml
But still iam getting the same error while running mftf default test
What output you got after running mftf test using mftf run:test AdminLoginTest