Can anyone help in posting a sample or the model schema for /V1/orders/create? I checked Magento Documentation on REST API but haven't found one specifically for creating order.
List of REST API:
Limited Model Schema for REST API:
I am currently working with Magento ver. 2.1.0
Thank you,
Tenzin K
0. create empty cart
{ "cartItem": { "sku": "JFCO00017", "qty": 1, "name": "Devil May Cry III 3 Dante Cosplay Costume", "price": 81.55, "product_type": "simple", "quote_id": "4290", "product_option": { "extension_attributes": { "custom_options": [{ "option_id": "thumbnail", "option_value": "\/d\/e\/devilmaycryiii3dantecosplay_1_.jpg" }, { "option_id": "color_2", "option_value": "Red" }, { "option_id": "google_size", "option_value": "xxs" }] } } } }
{ "address": { "city": "noida", "company": "iprag", "countryId": "IN", "email": "manish+2@gmail.com", "firstname": "Manish", "lastname": "Kumar", "postcode": "201301", "region": "UP", "saveInAddressBook": 1, "street": ["D-84"], "telephone": "8802045390" }, "useForShipping": true }
{ "addressInformation": { "billingAddress": { "city": "noida", "company": "iprag", "email": "nkn@gmail.com", "firstname": "Manish", "lastname": "Kumar", "postcode": "335001", "region": "UP", "street": ["D-84"], "telephone": "9413433217" }, "shippingAddress": { "city": "noida", "company": "iprag", "email": "nkn@gmail.com", "firstname": "Manish", "lastname": "Kumar", "postcode": "335001", "region": "UP", "street": ["D-84"], "telephone": "9413433217" }, "shippingCarrierCode": "flatrate", "shippingMethodCode": "flatrate" } }
{ "paymentMethod": { "method": "checkmo" }, "shippingMethod": { "method_code": "flatrate", "carrier_code": "flatrate", "additionalProperties": {} } }
Thank you for the response!
I noticed that there wasn't a step in the use of "/v1/orders/create" ?