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Paypal-Express payment error - incorrect ID
I'm using Magento 2.3.1 with Vnecoms multi-vendor extension and I'm trying to pay with PayPal-Express - mode sale & sandbox. I can log in in Paypal & it redirects me to the page to choose the shipment.
Arrived there exception.log & debug.log give me:
main.CRITICAL: The "3000000008" order ID is incorrect. Verify the ID and try again. {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: 0): The \"3000000008\" order ID is incorrect. Verify the ID and try again. at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/module-paypal/Model/Ipn.php:143)"} []
This doesn't happen in Authorization mode for some reason.
payment.log looks like this:
[2019-04-09 08:04:25] main.DEBUG: array ( 'url' => 'https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp', 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment' => array ( 'TOKEN' => 'EC-1Y3185946J772174S', 'PAYERID' => 'D2Q6ZYP2U59WA', 'PAYMENTACTION' => 'Sale', 'AMT' => '16.89', 'CURRENCYCODE' => 'EUR', 'BUTTONSOURCE' => 'Magento_Cart_Community', 'NOTIFYURL' => 'https://shop.2mazing.com/paypal/ipn/', 'RETURNFMFDETAILS' => 1, 'SHIPPINGAMT' => '0.90', 'ITEMAMT' => '15.99', 'TAXAMT' => '0.00', 'L_NUMBER0' => NULL, 'L_NAME0' => 'Autositzauflage -Gray', 'L_QTY0' => 1, 'L_AMT0' => '15.99', 'L_NUMBER1' => 'store_credit', 'L_NAME1' => 'Shop-Guthaben', 'L_QTY1' => 1, 'L_AMT1' => '0.00', 'BUSINESS' => NULL, 'EMAIL' => 'kauf@2mazing.com', 'FIRSTNAME' => 'Simon Schmidt', 'LASTNAME' => NULL, 'MIDDLENAME' => NULL, 'SALUTATION' => NULL, 'SUFFIX' => NULL, 'COUNTRYCODE' => 'DE', 'STATE' => 'Empty', 'CITY' => 'Freiburg', 'STREET' => 'ESpachstr. 1', 'ZIP' => '79111', 'PHONENUM' => NULL, 'SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE' => 'DE', 'SHIPTOSTATE' => 'Empty', 'SHIPTOCITY' => 'Freiburg', 'SHIPTOSTREET' => 'ESpachstr. 1', 'SHIPTOZIP' => '79111', 'SHIPTOPHONENUM' => NULL, 'SHIPTOSTREET2' => '', 'STREET2' => '', 'SHIPTONAME' => 'Simon Schmidt ', 'ADDROVERRIDE' => 1, 'METHOD' => 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment', 'VERSION' => '72.0', 'USER' => '****', 'PWD' => '****', 'SIGNATURE' => '****', ), 'response' => array ( 'TOKEN' => 'EC-1Y3185946J772174S', 'SUCCESSPAGEREDIRECTREQUESTED' => 'false', 'TIMESTAMP' => '2019-04-09T08:04:25Z', 'CORRELATIONID' => '23b2aead9b48f', 'ACK' => 'Success', 'VERSION' => '72.0', 'BUILD' => '52346509', 'TRANSACTIONID' => '70R244159E137901D', 'TRANSACTIONTYPE' => 'cart', 'PAYMENTTYPE' => 'instant', 'ORDERTIME' => '2019-04-09T08:04:24Z', 'AMT' => '16.89', 'FEEAMT' => '0.67', 'TAXAMT' => '0.00', 'CURRENCYCODE' => 'EUR', 'PAYMENTSTATUS' => 'Pending', 'PENDINGREASON' => 'paymentreview', 'REASONCODE' => 'None', 'PROTECTIONELIGIBILITY' => 'Ineligible', 'INSURANCEOPTIONSELECTED' => 'false', 'SHIPPINGOPTIONISDEFAULT' => 'false', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID' => '70R244159E137901D', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONTYPE' => 'cart', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTTYPE' => 'instant', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_ORDERTIME' => '2019-04-09T08:04:24Z', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT' => '16.89', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_FEEAMT' => '0.67', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_TAXAMT' => '0.00', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_CURRENCYCODE' => 'EUR', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS' => 'Pending', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_PENDINGREASON' => 'paymentreview', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_REASONCODE' => 'None', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_PROTECTIONELIGIBILITY' => 'Ineligible', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_PROTECTIONELIGIBILITYTYPE' => 'None', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID' => 'merchant@2mazing.com', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_SECUREMERCHANTACCOUNTID' => 'TCH52AZ5XS3HG', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_ERRORCODE' => '0', 'PAYMENTINFO_0_ACK' => 'Success', ), ) [] []
If I try to pay PHP gives me the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Address\Renderer::format() must be an instance of Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Address, null given, called in /var/www/html/vendor/vnecoms/module-vendors-sales/Model/Order/Email/Sender.php on line 148 and defined in /var/www/html/vendor/magento/module-sales/Model/Order/Address/Renderer.php:51 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/vendor/vnecoms/module-vendors-sales/Model/Order/Email/Sender.php(148): Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Address\Renderer->format(NULL, 'html') #1 /var/www/html/vendor/vnecoms/module-vendors-sales/Model/Order/Email/Sender/OrderSender.php(137): Vnecoms\VendorsSales\Model\Order\Email\Sender->getFormattedShippingAddress(Object(Magento\Sales\Model\Order\Interceptor)) 2 /var/www/html/vendor/vnecoms/module-vendors-sales/Model/Order/Email/Sender.php(82): Vnecoms\VendorsSales\Model\Order\Email\Sender\OrderSender->prepareTemplate(Object(Vnecoms\VendorsSales\Model\Order)) 3 /var/www/html/vendor/vnecoms/module-vendors-sales/Model/Order/Email/Sen in /var/www/html/vendor/magento/module-sales/Model/Order/Address/Renderer.php on line 51
These errors are only occurring in Paypal Sale mode.
Also if I don't allow multiple payments per invoice ID in Paypal, I get the PayPal gateway rejected request - duplicate invoice issue.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
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Re: Paypal-Express payment error - incorrect ID
I'm having the exact same issue on my store
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Re: Paypal-Express payment error - incorrect ID
You get any resolution to this?
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Re: Paypal-Express payment error - incorrect ID
paypal payment failed error Order ID is incorrect (magento 2.3.2 ).
Paypal orders fail with main.CRITICAL: Wrong order ID.
main.CRITICAL: The "xxxxxxxxxx" order ID is incorrect. Verify the ID and try again.
Please help..??
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Re: Paypal-Express payment error - incorrect ID
In my case, after some hours debug and check files debug.log, exception.log, payment.log, I found the issue is
`Numeric value out of range: 167 Out of range value for column 'sequence_value' at row 1, query was: INSERT INTO `sequence_invoice_1` () VALUES ()`
Then I go to table sequence_invoice_1 and have changed type of "sequence_value" from int(10) to bigint(20). Now, it works fine.
Our customer have a lot order migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2. That is an issue. Hope it can help someone.
Alothemes - Happy Coding!