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Problem with installing a child theme from third-party Alpaca theme

Problem with installing a child theme from third-party Alpaca theme

Hi there,

I'm new in Magento world and have a little problem with I can't manage with. I want to work on third-party open source Magento theme called alpaca and customize components but I have problem with installing a child theme from alpaca parent. I've followed with official documentation from theme's creators but this one isn't written in clarify way and hard to understand for some newbie like I am. The documentation is here


Everything I do is alright until I try to deploy project and compile child theme. When i type:

bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -

I get the red wall with errors telling that:


for many files. Except that, in some moment i get error: "unable to load theme by specified key" somewhere in red block.

When I type:

bin/magento setup:upgrade

is get some error too during Module 'Magento_Theme' execution that says:
My guess is that I'm doing some mistake with theme configuration files like composer.json, themes.xml etc. mentioned in alpaca docs or something else but can't realize what is wrong. I tried everything including clearaing/flushing cache, changing datebase keys associated with themes that cold be a potential cause, removing empty files, removing, var, pub, di catalogs and some others potential solves but nothing helped. As a docs says, I setted up own repositories for this alpaca theme and install those with composer require. It went properly.



    "name": "cogitech/module-cogitech-frontools",
    "type": "magento2-component",
    "require": {
        "snowdog/frontools": "^1.11.0"
    "extra": {
        "map": [



  "alpaca": {
    "src": "vendor/snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca",
    "dest": "pub/static/frontend/Snowdog/alpaca",
    "locale": ["pl_PL"],
    "ignore": [
  "child-theme": {
    "parent": "alpaca",
    "src": "vendor/cogitech/theme-frontend-cogitech",
    "dest": "pub/static/frontend/cogitech/theme-frontend-cogitech",
    "locale": ["pl_PL"],
    "ignore": [





  "name": "cogitech/theme-frontend-cogitech",
  "description": "Child frontend cogitech theme form alpaca",
  "type": "magento2-theme",
  "require": {
    "snowdog/theme-frontend-alpaca": "*",
    "cogitech/module-cogitech-frontools": "*"
  "autoload": {
    "files": [










<theme xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Config/etc/theme.xsd">
    <title>Cogitech Theme</title>

I think these files are most important relation to documantation. I asked creators for help on github issue but noone reposnded to me. If you want additional info about my config etc. I can give wherever you need to diagnose the problem.

I will be really gratefull for your help.



Re: Problem with installing a child theme from third-party Alpaca theme

Hi @dkalkacogi5fdb 


Did you find the solution for Alpaca theme? Could you please share how did you fix it?