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Problem with saving product price (Magento cut price)

Problem with saving product price (Magento cut price)

Magento 2.2.x

Hi, I have the following problem:

When I try edit product, the fields with price (price, special_price, cost) display price with this format:

A. 6000000.23 => 6.000.000,23

B. 56000 => 56.000

C. 45.23 => 45,23

But the problem is when I edit and save, the result of these fields is:

Before (form edit) => After (saved)

A. 6.000.000,23 => 6.000.000
B. 56.000 => 56

c. 45.23 => 45

Actually, I use es_CO, then currency is COP, and locale/data.../es_CO.xml is:

		<symbols numberSystem="latn">
			<currency type="COP">