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Product quantity does not change or decreased when ordering

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Product quantity does not change or decreased when ordering

I am using Magento 2.3.1 on GCP. Product quantity does not change or decreased when ordering.


Stores> Settings> Configuration> Catalog> Inventory> Decrease Stock When Order is Placed is set to Yes


Under Catalog> Products> Salable (Column) reflects the exact salable quantity but the Quantity column does not reflect it and it shows the total quantity without any change or deduction

Is this normal? How can I make the Quantity field in the Product reflect the exact available quantity?


Re: Product quantity does not change or decreased when ordering

hello @sameh_khalil 


Can you check if your product's manage stock is enabled or not by editing the product in advance inventory ->check Manage Stock .
for showing the exact available quantity after orders Manage Stock must be set to yes.

Re: Product quantity does not change or decreased when ordering

Magento 2.3.0 has released a feature know as Saleable QTY which is getting decreased upon placing an order and same will be checked before adding a product to the cart so don't worry the end customer will not be able to add those much QTY which are not in the stock


One more thing, Default QTY will be decreased right after the shipment Smiley Happy



Re: Product quantity does not change or decreased when ordering

we have only one store to manage and for that we have only default source which is assigned to default stock... so how can we make the original qty to decrease on order place instead of salable qty... as i noticed original qty decreased after having ship but as we just recently enabled msi modules we getting error when generating shipment for all out of stock products which were order before the modules enabled...