Error filtering template: Class Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\ProductLinkInterfaceFactory does not exist. how this error solve ?
Can you try clearing out your var/generation directory? That fixed the problem . I think there is an old generated file that is using an outdated class reference.
You Can use :-
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
then use
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
sudo chmod -R 755 ~/Sites
You can also go through this link:
Hello Ravi,
Whenever you install a new extension or changes some class constructor, you have to recompile the magento. After compilation some new cache and generation files are generated inside var directory, you need to set recursive permission every time.
Navigate to the installed Magento installed directory use the following steps to re-compile.
Remove earlier data
1. sudo rm -rf var/di var/generation var/cache
Run the following command if you are installing new extension
2. sudo php bin/magento setup:upgrade
for compilation
3. sudo php bin/magento setup:di:compile
4. sudo php bin/magento cache:clean
5. sudo chmod 777 -R var/