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Products are not displaying on category page

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Products are not displaying on category page

Hi - I did a fresh install of Magento CE 2.3.1. I create a category and a product in that category. I am able to see the product with its URL but I am not able to see the product on category page. Please let me know what I am doing wrong and point me in right direction. I check everything product visibility, Qty, Price, Stock Status everything but product did not show up.


Re: Products are not displaying on category page

Hi @sohail_83 


Can you confirm that You have created this category under the Default category of Magento ?


Also from the product page you have assign this product to that specific category ?


If both are done - then do re-indexing by running the below command :


php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush


It will works for you !


Hope it helps !

if issue solved,Click Kudos & Accept as Solution

Re: Products are not displaying on category page

I did as you said but still no luck. Product is not displayed on category page.

Re: Products are not displaying on category page

Re: Products are not displaying on category page

Saludos, recientemente tuve el mismo problema, quizás esta solución pueda serte útil, intente realizar lo siguiente a través de la API REST de Magento:


GET --- "your web site"/rest/all/V1/products/"your sku"


Corrobore que la respuesta corresponda a su producto y de no obtener una respuesta favorable intente dar de alta el producto usando el parámetro "all" a traves de la API REST, si no, únicamente actualice el producto


PUT --- "your web site"/rest/all/V1/products/"your sku"


Esto funcionó para mi, espero funcione para usted


Re: Products are not displaying on category page

Hi @Manthan Dave - 


I checked all links and tried every solution but I am not able to show products on category page. I have a fresh install and only one category and one product for test. I did not have any extension installed on my store except the default. 


Please let me know what can be the issue if you need anything from me to investigate I can provide you. Below is my store URL.




Re: Products are not displaying on category page

Hi @jacobo_praxedis - 


Please let me know how I can run this API in command line or in Magento Admin.




Re: Products are not displaying on category page

Hello @sohail_83 ,

Please check again you product quantity, status, visibility and saleable quantity.

Your product quantity should be 0, status should be enabled visibility should be Catalog, Search and saleable quantity should not be zero.

If you saleable quantity is zero then it must be the problem of your database view. For that please refer the following link

If your saleable quantity is not zero and remaining all is also fine, then please try to reindex your table by executing following command:

bin/magento indexer:reindex 

Hope this will work for you. If still you face same issue, please share your product page link.

If this helps you, please accept it as solution and give us kudos.


Re: Products are not displaying on category page

Hi @Sarvagya Pandey -


I checked it and I am not able to see any attribute for Saleable Qty. Please find below my product page link.




Re: Products are not displaying on category page

Claro que si, puede usar Postman para realizar estas peticiones o bien por cmd como lo mencionadoas, ejemplo:

curl -X GET \
<su sitio web> / rest / default / V1 / products / <your sku> \
-H 'Aceptar: * / *' \
-H 'Aceptar-Codificar: gzip, desinflar' \
-H 'Autorización : Portador ionx151ctb226pgppfbl46v9j9nh8q1v '\
-H' Cache-Control: no-cache '\
-H' Conexión: keep-alive '\
-H' Content-Type: application / json '\
-H' Cookie: private_content_version = 57d662ebb2be74a1118be946bc338cd9 mage-messages =% 5B% 7B% 22type% 22% 3A% 22error% 22% 2C% 22text% 22% 3A% 22Invalid + Form + Key. + Please + refresh + the + page.% 22% 7D% 5D; PHPSESSID = 4cd79b04037b36d8c0d315cc7e3d4017 '\
-H' Cartero-Token: <su token> '\
-H' Usuario-Agente: PostmanRuntime / 7.16.3 '


y para actualizar el producto:  


curl -X PUT \
<your web site>/rest/all/V1/products/<your sku>\
-H 'Accept: */*' \
-H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer ionx151ctb226pgppfbl46v9j9nh8q1v' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
-H 'Content-Length: 162' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Cookie: private_content_version=57d662ebb2be74a1118be946bc338cd9; mage-messages=%5B%7B%22type%22%3A%22error%22%2C%22text%22%3A%22Invalid+Form+Key.+Please+refresh+the+page.%22%7D%5D; PHPSESSID=4cd79b04037b36d8c0d315cc7e3d4017' \
-H 'Postman-Token: <your token>' \
-H 'User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.16.3' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-d '{
"product": {
} '