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Products disappear after saving

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Products disappear after saving

Hello community,


We recently built a site on Magento v2.2.2 CE and are finding that every time any information about a product is saved the product disappears from the front end and a reindex is required to bring it back. This is quite frustrating as we are constantly updating products every day. A simple change like a name change or any other change causes the product to disappear. I was wondering is this normal behavior or is this a bug that can be fixed?





Re: Products disappear after saving

Product disappears after product save its  a default behavior for magento.  

By default After create a product, Specific product is not displayed in Frontend after reindexing you can see that specific product in front.



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Re: Products disappear after saving

Hi Rakesh,


Thanks for your response. However I am a bit confused. You mentioned that product disappears after product save is not default behavior but then you mention that "By default After create/update a product, Specific product is not displayed in Front after reindexing you can see that specific product in front". I am not sure if I have misunderstood but these 2 seem to me like opposites. When we save a product and then run the reindex the product shows. However we would ideally like the product to show after save without running a reindex. Is this possible?


Thanks again

Re: Products disappear after saving

No, When you create any product you need to run Reindex command to see the effect of your product in front if your Reindex mode from System -> Index Management is Update by Schedule.


For Update By Schedule mode indexer are based on Cron setup. When cron is runnig for indexer at that time your product is display,


If your Mode is Update on save then you dont need to run reindex command each time.

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Re: Products disappear after saving

Hi @param_thind


Looks like your indexing are set on Update by Schedule  , so that's the main reason you need to do reindexing each  and everytime.


Change this settings to Update on Save , so everytime you save any product it will reindex automatically and you don't need to do reindexing every time.


From your magento 2 admin panel Go to system->Index management -> select all and above action column change it to update on save !


Then try , it will works !

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