Ok I think I have figured out what I did wrong, I had not set up elasticsearch to restart automatically, so everytime it shut down this would happen
We have 3 magento installation on our server: production, test enviroment and m4.3 which use elastic search.
On our production store we use mysql catalog search (not elastic) but problem exist. After we change one product category by editing product, all catalog disapear until reindex is done.
Is it possible that problems comes from elastic if we see this problem in store which do not use elasticsearch???
Thank you Sr. Helped me a lot, i just went through this right now i couldnt figure it out what was it. I deployed a testing enviroment on the same server.....
Saved my day.
Thank you Sr. Helped me a lot, i just went through this right now i couldnt figure it out what was it. I deployed a testing enviroment on the same server.....
Saved my day.
Check for any technical issues or glitches in your e-commerce platform or website. Look for any errors or warnings related to product indexing, database connectivity, or search functionality. If identified, address these issues promptly or contact your technical support team for assistance. Ensure that your inventory management system is accurately updated. If products are out of stock or unavailable, they may be automatically removed from the catalog or search results. Regularly review and update your pinterest gifs downloader to maintain accurate product availability information. Verify that the filter settings or search parameters are appropriately configured. It's possible that certain filters or search criteria are unintentionally excluding certain products from being displayed. Double-check the filter settings to ensure they align with your desired display criteria.