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SSL Breaks Checkout
I'm new to Magento and not a *nix pro, so I hope I'm just making a rookie mistake here. My setup...
- Magento 2.1.4 CE
- CentOS 7-3.1611
- nginx 1.12.0 (SSL termination only)
- Varnish 4.1.0
- Apache 2.4.25
- PHP 7.0.15
- MySQL 5.7.17
Everything seems to work fine with http (non-SSL), but I need to use https for all pages.
When I enable https, everything seems to work fine except the CHECKOUT PAGE IS EMPTY (i.e., the "GET /checkout/" request returns "200 OK" but "Content-Length: 0"). There are no messages in the browser console. I'll mention that I'm using a self-signed certificate for development, but it seems to work okay.
If I go to the cart page (/checkout/cart/) first, I get errors in the browser console (which do NOT occur in non-SSL)...
... VM27901:3 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null at visible (eval at createBindingsStringEvaluator (knockout.js:2624), :3:83) at update (knockout.js:4558) at ko.dependentObservable.disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved (knockout.js:3004) at evaluateImmediate (knockout.js:1737) at ko.subscription.evaluatePossiblyAsync [as callback] (knockout.js:1677) at Function.notifySubscribers (knockout.js:1103) at Function.observable.valueHasMutated (knockout.js:1300) at observable (knockout.js:1285) at Object.setShippingRates (shipping-service.js:22) at Object. (new-address.js:60) visible @ VM27901:3 update @ knockout.js:4558 ko.dependentObservable.disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved @ knockout.js:3004 evaluateImmediate @ knockout.js:1737 evaluatePossiblyAsync @ knockout.js:1677 notifySubscribers @ knockout.js:1103 observable.valueHasMutated @ knockout.js:1300 observable @ knockout.js:1285 setShippingRates @ shipping-service.js:22 (anonymous) @ new-address.js:60 fire @ jquery.js:3099 fireWith @ jquery.js:3211 done @ jquery.js:9310 callback @ jquery.js:9720 ...
I don't know if this is related, and there are a few more messages (which I can include if they'll be helpful), but the above seems to be the relevant section. I don't notice any other errors in the console on any other pages, either http or https.
Can anyone help me? I'm going bananas with this.
Scott B.
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Re: SSL Breaks Checkout
After much pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth, I tried switching to Apache for the SSL termination (eliminating nginx entirely and creating an Apache-Varnish-Apache sandwich). Things seem to work. Why? I don't know, and I'm not sure I care. It _did_ simplify the stack by one component; that's not a bad thing.
I'll say this: I _am_ new to Magento, but I don't suck at this kind of stuff, and this has been by far the hardest installation/configuration I've ever experienced (and that includes installing NetWare 2.0a from 104 5.25" floppy disks back in 1986). I'd s**tcan this whole thing if I didn't have so much time invested in it.