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Taxamo and Braintree JavaScript Error
I am testing M2.4.3-p1 with the taxamo (ioss extension), in the checkout when using Braintree as the payment method, on clicking place order we get an "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'userAgent')" JavaScript error.
5.04de1faef66f4d0a3735.songbird.js:54 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'userAgent') at 5.04de1faef66f4d0a3735.songbird.js:54:9243 at 5.04de1faef66f4d0a3735.songbird.js:54:9160 at t.exports (5.04de1faef66f4d0a3735.songbird.js:54:9444) at Object.<anonymous> (5.04de1faef66f4d0a3735.songbird.js:54:5801) at n (songbird.js:1:107) at Object.<anonymous> (5.04de1faef66f4d0a3735.songbird.js:54:3940) at n (songbird.js:1:107) at Object.<anonymous> (5.04de1faef66f4d0a3735.songbird.js:12:30332) at n (songbird.js:1:107) at songbird.js:1:1623
https://songbirdstag.cardinalcommerce.com/edge/v1/04de1faef66f4d0a3735/5.04de1faef66f4d0a3735.songbi... Is loaded as part of the Braintree checkout.
The file that causes the problem in the taxamo extenison is; /vendor/taxamo/tax/view/frontend/web/js/view/taxamo-liability.js
define( [ 'ko', 'uiComponent', 'mage/storage', 'mage/url' ], function (ko, Component, storage, url) { "use strict"; return Component.extend({ defaults: { template: 'Taxamo_Tax/taxamoliability' }, showTaxamoLiability: ko.observable(false), taxamoLiabilityMessage: ko.observable(''), initialize: function () { self = this; this._super(); window.addEventListener('hashchange', _.bind(this.hashChangeHandler, false)); self.checkLiability(); }, checkLiability: function () { let checkLiabilityUrl = url.build('taxamo/checkout/liable'); storage.get(checkLiabilityUrl).done( function (response) { if (response.success) { self.showTaxamoLiability(response.show_taxamo_liability) self.taxamoLiabilityMessage(response.message) } } ).fail( function (response) { self.showTaxamoLiability(false) self.taxamoLiabilityMessage('') } ); return true; }, hashChangeHandler: function () { self.checkLiability(); } }); });
The contents of the template it loads is;
<div data-bind="if: showTaxamoLiability" class="taxamo-liability"> <div class="taxamo-liability-text"> <p data-bind="text: taxamoLiabilityMessage"></p> </div> <div class="checkout-agreement field choice required"> <input type="checkbox" name="taxamo-liability" class="required-entry" data-bind="attr: {id: 'taxamo-liability'}"/> <label data-bind="attr: {for: 'taxamo-liability'}" class="required-entry"><span data-bind="i18n: 'I have read and agree to the above'"></span></label> </div> </div>
I have tried setup with all other third parties extensions disabled and still get the error, but I haven't tried other versions of Magento.
Can anyone offer any insight or suggestions? My JavaScript experience is limited. Thanks.
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Re: Taxamo and Braintree JavaScript Error
After some further testing, the problem comes from the line;
self = this;
I think I can change self to this, which I have done below, but I am having problems getting the last bit to work. I get this error "Uncaught TypeError: that.checkLiability is not a function".
I have tried several ways and not found anything that works.
define( [ 'ko', 'uiComponent', 'mage/storage', 'mage/url' ], function (ko, Component, storage, url) { "use strict"; return Component.extend({ defaults: { template: 'Taxamo_Tax/taxamoliability' }, showTaxamoLiability: ko.observable(false), taxamoLiabilityMessage: ko.observable(''), initialize: function () { var that = this; this._super(); window.addEventListener('hashchange', _.bind(this.hashChangeHandler, false)); that.checkLiability(); }, checkLiability: function () { let checkLiabilityUrl = url.build('taxamo/checkout/liable'); storage.get(checkLiabilityUrl).done( function (that,response) { if (response.success) { that.showTaxamoLiability(response.show_taxamo_liability) that.taxamoLiabilityMessage(response.message) } } ).fail( function (that,response) { that.showTaxamoLiability(false) that.taxamoLiabilityMessage('') } ); return true; }, hashChangeHandler: function () { that.checkLiability(); } }); });
If there is a better way of fixing this please say. Thanks