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The dev/debug/debug_logging path does not exist

Re: The dev/debug/debug_logging path does not exist

Hi jorgb


None of the above suggestions work and they are for a different problem.

If you set mode to default, and then set mode to production it will compile fine.

Hope that helps. took me an age to suss that one out. Still don't know the cause. its obviously a magento bug but doesn't occur for everyone.


Best Regards


Re: The dev/debug/debug_logging path does not exist

@davidthurston Lol thanks that indeed fixed the problem! 

Re: The dev/debug/debug_logging path does not exist

Since Magento 2.2.8 and 2.3.1, this method does not work anymore. Instead there is a special argument for the setup:config:set command:



bin/magento setup:config:set --enable-debug-logging=true

Then clear the config cache so that the change takes effect:

bin/magento cache:clean config


By default, Magento writes to the debug log (<install_directory>/var/log/debug.log) when it is in default or develop mode, but not when it is in production mode. Use the bin/magento setup:config:set --enable-debug-logging=true | false command to change the default value.

As of Magento 2.3.1, you can no longer use the bin/magento config:set dev/debug/debug_logging 0 | 1 command to enable or disable debug logging for current mode.

