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Translation Problem with Magento 2.2.6

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Translation Problem with Magento 2.2.6

start point:

  • Magento 2.2.6 set in developer mode
  • Theme : Luma
  • Cache: enabled
  • 4 Store view enabled (one for each language):
  1. it
  2.  en
  3. fr
  4. es

    the only operation I did is migration from magento 1.9.1

what have I done?

Via ssh (in root folder of Magento) I ran the following commands:
composer require mageplaza/magento-2-italian-language-pack:dev-master
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f it_IT
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento cache:clean
php bin/magento cache:flush

( mageplaza takes the translation file from Crowdin (translated up to 93%))

set for Backend:
Click on user (on top right) > Account Setting (User) > Interface Locale > Italiano (Italia) / Italiano (Italia)
for frontend:
Stores > Configuration > Store view: Italiano > General > Locale Options : Italiano

Clean cache, Flush cache.

Open browser (with cache cleaned) and the results that I expect are:

- Magento with Luma theme translated in Italian : but only very few parts have been translatedfrontend.jpg

- Backend of Magento translated (but only very few parts have been translated)

 I can't understand why it does not work. Has it ever happened to anyone?