I have at my website agoshop.at the problem when I want to create a new account I mus reload the captcha always twice.
Therefore I tried the following:
php bin/magento deploy:mode:set production
Afther that I will get the following message:
Enabling maintenance mode Disabling maintenance mode Command returned non-zero exit code: ` -f /www/agoshop.at/bin/magento cache:flus
Then I have done the following:
First I rename the following file
/pub/errors$ rename local.xml.sample local.xml
Afther that I have done:
php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer
Then I rename the file again
/pub/errors$ mv local.xml local.xml.sample
When I open the site agoshop.at again I will get only errors.
Therefore I hope someone can help me there that the site will work again.
kindly regards for any help
Hello @haiflosse117fc ,
It submitted my account in one try, any other error reference or reproducing steps ?