I found the way to use AWS code deploy for Magento application. Take a look on the below documentation.
AWS Codedeploy BG Deployment
We’re using Amazon Machine Image to create a backup of the whole system configuration(Magento setup). We’ll use it in launch configuration.
IAM Role
- We’ll setup two IAM roles. One for codedeploy to Communicate with EC2 instances and other for EC2 instance to access s3.
Load Balancing
- We will create the application load balancing.
Auto Scaling Group
Launch Configuration:
- Choose the created AMI
- Select the IAM role which we have created for the EC2 instance
Auto Scaling Group:
- Select the Launch Configuration
- Adjust the capacity of this group by specifying the minimum and maximum size of your group as 1 to 3 for scaling the instances depending upon traffic.
Fig-2: Deployment Group Screen
- Fig-2 will show how to setup the Deployment type and Environment configuration.
- Specify Deployment group name, choose Deployment type and Environment configuration as in the above image.
- Choose the created auto scaling group.
- Choose the Load Balancer type and target group as shown in above image
- Click the Edit deployment settings to get the popup as below image
- Review the configuration and complete the wizard.
- First we will connect our Github repository as a source for the pipeline.
- We’ll skip the Build step.
- Choose the created CodeDeploy Application in Deploy step.
- Review the configuration and complete the wizard.
How Deployment Works:
Fig-5: Code Deployment Architecture
- Include CodeDeploy events such as Before-Install, Install, After-Install with required changes in your local code base and commit the changes to Github.
- In the Replacement Environment, the CodeDeploy will search for the committed appspec.yml file.
- After recognising the appspec.yml file, It’ll start executing the following events:
- Before-Install
- Install
- After-Install
- We’ll include Unit test cases in After Install event.
- After its successful completion, now the latest version will be available on Replacement Environment.
- This Replacement Environment will be Added to the New Auto Scaling Group automatically.
- Newly created Auto Scaling Group will be added to the Existing Load Balancer.
- The Traffic will be Rerouted to the Replacement Environment.
- Original Environment will be terminated.