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attribute meta attribute max length exceeded

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attribute meta attribute max length exceeded

i got this error while importing the csv file. how to change the max character length of meta description?. kindly tell the solution.



Re: attribute meta attribute max length exceeded

Hello @ayesha_khalid ,


Basically, there are some constraints for lengths of the attributes.

e.g : meta_keyword,meta_title and meta_description

meta_title has the type varchar and is stored in the table catalog_product_entity_varchar. The limit on the value field of the table is 255.
meta_description and meta_keywords have the type text and is stored in the table catalog_product_entity_text. The limit on the value field of the table the limit of the text fields in mysql. For text is "L + 2 bytes, where L < 216".
Please refer for Data Type Storage Requirements :

NOTE :  I think, you shouldn't use large meta keywords and meta descriptions.
A meta description of 255 chars is more than enough.

As for meta keywords, you should ask a SEO expert on this, but I'm sure the recommended number does not go over 10.


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Binod Yadav


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